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Beyond Boundaries: Leveraging No-Code Solutions for Industry Innovation

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Wednesday, April 24, 2024
David Baldacchino, HOK
Dave Campanas, Safe Software

Webinar Details

Hiring and retaining software development talent is next to impossible for AEC firms and other industries alike.

Join us and guest speakers from HOK, a leader in the AEC industry, as they share their success in navigating the tight talent market through the use of no-code solutions and FME.

Discover how HOK approached the process of building a custom tool to automate the creation of projects and user management for Trimble Connect and ProjectSight.

Using a mix of traditional and no-code in FME, our guest speakers will reveal how the team bridged the resource gap and used the available talent pool, producing the mission-critical web app “Trajectory”.

They will also dive into details, illustrating first-hand how JSON data was used as a “glue” between two development groups.

Learn how embracing FME as a no-code solution can unlock potential within your teams, foster collaboration, and drive efficiency.