FME and Managing Data to the Tweed Flood Response
Presentation Details
Tweed Shire Council took up a Local Government subscription late 2020 as the need for access to FME Desktop licences and the functionality of accessing FME Server was increasing throughout various business units within Council.
Prior to the LGS, Tweed Shire had 3 FME desktop licenses that were being shared between a group of 6 key GIS and Surveying staff. FME is being on a daily basis as the go to software for any spatial analysis, data manipulation and reporting to staff and to external customers. Many processes setup in FME Desktop required staff to manually run processes that needed to be run on a daily basis. The potential time efficiencies and other functionality on offer through FME Server were evident.
Since the LGS, FME Server has been setup and workspaces have been published and automated. One key process that was manually run by staff is now set to run every 15 minutes and remains touchless by GIS staff.
The first FME Server App has been created to provide streamlined data supply process when staff or external people request access to LiDAR and contours.
Tweed Shire Council are excited to continue to delve into what else can be achieved with greater access to FME Desktop licences and to FME Server.