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BOWT: Enterprise Data at CentralSan/NYC Opendata Portal

Thursday, June 15, 2017
Mark Ireland
Presenter Company
Safe Software
FME International User Conference 2017
Session Type

Presentation Details

In this "Best of the World Tour" session, we present two of our favorite user stories from the FME World Tour 2017.Updating Geospatial Data for NYC Opendata Portal with FMEThe NYC Open Data Portal is a website giving the public access to thousands of sets of public data from NYC agencies. The GIS team at the New York Dept. of Information Technology and Telecommunications (NYC DoITT) is using FME to perform regular updates to several 1,000,000+ record geographic data sets. The data is maintained by different agencies and hosted in separate databases. This presentation will describe the role that FME plays in providing these dynamic and valuable data to the citizens of New York City and beyond.- Chris Rado, Mohammed Rahman, Sofiya Elyukin, NYC Dept. of Information Technology and TelecommunicationsBlending Enterprise Data with FME ServerGIS has become the foundation of our organization's asset management program. Many of our business systems rely on our GIS services for authoritative spatial data and map services. Other business systems (SunGard ERP, Cityworks CMMS, and legacy WinCan CCTV inspection system) contain critical non-spatial data that must be linked to spatial asset information. In this presentation I'll share how we are using FME Server to "blend" spatial and non-spatial data together for the ArcGIS Server map services that power our Geocortex applications, our Cityworks CMMS, and our new ITpipes CCTV inspection system.- Carl Von Stetten, CentralSan