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Platform Solutions Self-serve, no-code web apps

Self-serve, no-code web apps: Breathe life into your enterprise data.

Building and deploying web applications has never been simpler. Self-serve, no-code, and designed for ease of use for increased data accessibility.

Discover a world of features, benefits, and key capabilities.

Discover a world of features, benefits, and key capabilities.

Self-serve, no-code web apps.


Empower every user

Imagine if everyone had the information they needed at their fingertips, whenever they needed it. Imagine if data could be validated before it was ingested into your system. With our self-serve, no-code web apps, imagination meets reality.

Build and update with ease

Create your first app in minutes. Our no-code web apps are easy to build, so you can develop more projects in less time. Easily customize and update as needed to ensure processes stay current and efficient.

Enhance data quality, reduce errors

By integrating data validation directly into your workflows, our web apps help catch and correct errors before they impact the system. This improves data quality and minimizes errors, ensuring higher data integrity for reliable insights. Better data means better outcomes.

Key capabilities

Data Products

Real-time data to make informed decisions

Enable informed decision-making with immediate access to updated information. This capability ensures data is accessible when needed, delivering cutting-edge insights for better data investment returns. Because an informed workforce is an empowered workforce.

Digital Submissions

Enhance efficiency and data integrity

Simplify data submission from third parties. Our no-code applications automatically validate data quality at the point of submission, ensuring high-quality data is a given.Ensure data quality while providing immediate feedback for any discrepancies.

Data Quality Enforcement

Data governance is built on high-quality data standards

Assured data quality involves your whole organization. Leveraging FME, our no-code web applications enforce data validity before ingestion, ensuring higher data quality and integrity.

Data Standard Enforcement

Ensure data meets the standards for your business

The bedrock of automation is data standards. FME makes it easy, empowering individuals to align with organizational standards. Facilitate easy, efficient, and user-friendly enforcement of all data including CAD, GIS and BIM.

Portal to Web Resources

Improve user experience with centralized access to resources

Create a centralized landing page for users to easily navigate to any web-based solution, powered by FME or otherwise. FME Flow Gallery Apps provide a convenient portal for diverse web resources, enhancing user experience and organizational efficiency.

Dublin City Council
Government: Local

IMGS delivers innovative FME enterprise web applications for Dublin City Council

“We are immensely proud of the transformation achieved with the FME Flow & Flow Apps. This digital overhaul not only streamlines our operations but also empowers our staff with real-time data and tools. The savings in time and resources are significant –thousands of hours annually that can now be redirected to enhance our Housing Maintenance operation.”

Mark Geoghegan
Area Maintenance Officer, Dublin City Council

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tradespeople hours saved per year
admin hours saved annually
Architecture, Engineering & Construction

Balfour Beatty VINCI saves 1000+ hours with FME

“There is no project where we don’t involve FME as a starting point. It saves us so much time and cost.”

Faisal Khan
Geographical Information Systems Manager, Balfour Beatty VINCI

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estimated for the project
hours of manual effort saved
Questions about the platform?
We’re here to help you find the answers and information you need to continue your data integration journey.
Pricing, with a difference.
Valuing long-term partnerships over short-term profit, we tailor our pricing to each individual client.
Master FME with our interactive demos.
Learn the platform and unlock FME’s full potential. Bring life to your data, today.