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Democratizing GIS through FME ERP Integration

Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Langdon Sanders
Greg Payne
Presenter Company
City of Sandy Springs
FME World Tour 2019
Session Type

Presentation Details

In partnership with the Utility services of Public Works, the Sandy Springs GIS team has created an integration with an enterprise permitting system, EnerGov by Tyler Technologies, to pull pertinent utility permit information every night and attach it to GIS features that are hosted in ArcGIS Online and drawn by the Assistant Utility Manager. The FME workbench performs a series of queries on a MS SQL Server database that underpins the permitting software, configures the data, and updates attributes of an ArcGIS Online hosted feature class of utility permits. By providing ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online editing rights to the Ast. Utility manager, they are able to maintain their own GIS records which would be too burdensome on current GIS staff to maintain all while automating the attribute updates and eliminating any duplicate data entry. This replaces a cumbersome process of manual exports from the permit software, joins to GIS, and overwrite processes, which resulted in delayed information and additional staff time. The final data is made available in a public web application of Utility Permits and released on the city's Open Data site. Software involved: MS SQL Server, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, FME Workbench, Windows Task Scheduler. View the app here: