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FME International User Conference 2014: A Top Ten List

David Letterman is retiring. FME has a ListBuilder transformer. You can probably see where this is headed.

David Letterman 600Wis retiring.

FME has a ListBuilder transformer.

You can probably see where this is headed.

Top 10 Signs You Need To Attend the FME International User Conference 2014

10.       Your data QA policy includes the term “YOLO”.

9.         You think the CAT reader needs a drop-down list to select “Grumpy”, “Nyan”, or the default value of “In A Shark Costume Chasing A Duck While Riding A Roomba”.

8.         Your annual budget for mapping includes a line item for crayons.

Peace, Love and Topology.

7.         You don’t cringe when someone says “I’ll send you my coordinates” and it has nothing—NOTHING!—at all to do with actual coordinates.

6.         Lasers belong on sharks, not vehicles.

5.         You think Mapnik is some 60s fringe movement of hippie cartographers.

4.         You’re pretty sure that Bob Marley invented raster.

3.         You think SQL refers to Sharknado 2: The Second One.

2.         You ♥ XML.

1.         SPORKS. ‘Nuff said.

For some actual reasons to attend the conference – the first one in five years – click play!

Our agenda is looking amazing, with keynotes on the future of spatial from Esri, open source experts Boundless, Autodesk, Hexagon, and Google. Users from all over the world will be sharing their expertise in five session tracks, and all of the details are on the conference website.

Register today, and we’ll see you in Vancouver!

Got some suggestions of your own for this list? Add them in comments! (And thanks to the FME Evangelist for his contributions.)

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