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Using FME To Create an NBA Fantasy Draft Board

Friday, October 14, 2022
Michael Studdert
Presenter Company
1Spatial Australia
FME World Tour 2022

Presentation Details

I will be showcasing FME’s capabilities in excel spreadsheet manipulation through the creation of an NBA Fantasy Draftboard. If you are unfamiliar with fantasy sports, it is a competition amongst a group of participants where real players from the relevant sport are selected to form a team, which play off against each other as the sporting competition proceeds throughout the season. Player performances are measured through statistical categories, in this case, Points, assists, rebounds, and many more, which determine which team won in the Fantasy competition. In NBA, there are what seems an infinite amount of statistical categories that are out there beyond the standard ones, with some of them providing relevance to how well a player will do in fantasy sports. However, these complicated statistics are not available in standard draftboards, therefore making it hard to incorporate them into the limited time you have to make draft decisions. Using FME, I will show I brought in multiple csv files, combine them, then create & rank my own statistical categories to enhance my draftboard.