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How FME Platform Helps with Working with Geospatial Data? Use Cases from the AEC Industry

Thursday, May 13, 2021
Marek Szczepkowski
Nicolae Soare
Presenter Company
FME World Fair 2021
Session Type
AEC (Architecture Engineering and Construction)

Presentation Details

AEC companies are the second biggest FME users in Poland and Europe. Working with spatial data, the multitude of formats and sources, coordinate systems made it necessary to use the FME integration platform. This Platform is constantly gaining popularity in Poland and Europe, users of this find interesting opportunities to use it. During the session How FME Platform helps with working with geospatial data? FME users and experts will talk about: Reducing costs, manual effort, and delivery speed using FME Globema, Nicolae Soare Quality assurance of spatial data - control and completeness of supplied data with the use of FME software - Visimind, Marek Szczepkowski