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Growth Management and Development Dashboard

Thursday, April 11, 2019
Carolynne Saxton
Patrick Connolly-Boutin (Consortech)
Presenter Company
Town of East Gwillimbury
FME World Tour 2019
Session Type
Government (Local)

Presentation Details

The Town of East Gwillimbury is experiencing dramatic urban growth that will persist over the next few years. The Town wanted to visualize, monitor and report on the status of new development thereby assisting staff to effectively manage workflows: Commence road patrols for maintenance, snow removal, garbage collection, fire break allocations and monitoring.
In an effort to effectively service the growth that is occurring and plan for the future, staff need data to make intelligence-based decisions and create effective workflows.
The result is a web-based enterprise solution powered by FME and Esri servers that provides corporate-wide visualization and quantitative information on current development status:
1) Web map app available on all devices with LDAP authentication.
2) Email notifications for permitting by status change and data quality control monitoring.
3) Automated spreadsheet report tracking percentage complete milestones.
4) Update Dashboard report for improved decisions making and workflow activities.
5) New water meter installation tracking – improves asset management and enables financial