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Safe on FME: Migrating the FME Community

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Thursday, September 17, 2020
Holly Coxon
Sienna Emery
Nathan Hildebrand

Webinar Details

The FME Community has undergone many 'glow ups' over the years, with the most recent being a new Community backing onto Salesforce. This new Community not only looks great, but having all our customer information in one place means we’re able to offer a higher level of support. Win, win!

The risk in moving platforms was whether or not we’d lose any valuable content along the way.

So how did we successfully push 1,642 articles, 3,045 ideas, and 18,450 questions over to Salesforce? With FME, of course!

Join this webinar to learn how Safe Software used FME to perform data migration tasks, including connecting to various APIs, data validation, and restructuring. And, as always, you’ll get plenty of tips and tricks along the way.