The BC Spatial Project – Integrating BC’s Cadastre with FME Server
Presentation Details
BC Spatial is an initiative of the Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICIS) to establish integration services for and one-stop access to the best available cadastral data for the province. This presentation will demonstrate ICIS’ use of FME Server as the key technology at the center of the society’s data sharing framework. Data contributors will learn how ICIS is using FME to streamline data delivery, standardize data handling and provide quality assurance feedback to its members. Data consumers will learn how FME is powering data integration from many disparate sources, capturing data quality characteristics and reporting them in real time. FME developers will learn about the software customizations and scripting standards that are being deployed to achieve the greatest maintainability and flexibility of design. All attendees will hear how ICIS uses FME to facilitate collaborative success among its members – from all levels of government, utilities and the private sector – for the sharing of geospatial data.