Temporal Analysis on Pipeline Health and Risk Assessment
Presentation Details
Traditionally, pipeline health is determined by periodical run-throughs of sensor tools of the pipeline. The resulting data is then used to determine actions on the pipeline such as exploration digs and repairs. These sensor tools can be of varying technologies such as in-line magnetic sensors, ultrasonic tools, as well as indirect electrical surveys. With no standardized format nor spatial component analytics for these tools provided me with an awesome opportunity to provide deeper insights with FME.
Using FME to standardize the data and then spatialize the data in both 2D and 3D allows our pipeline integrity team to analyze these pipelines in a much more detailed fashion to observe pipeline health. Not only are engineers able to utilize GIS to observe if pipeline anomalies are caused by environmental factors, the engineers are now able to layer many vintages of various tools to observe anomaly growth and target problematic issues far in advance away from catastrophic events happening.