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MCE GeoProcessing Services for ADM(IE): Self Validation of Spatial Data Input from DND Bases

Friday, January 16, 2015
Martin de Zuviria, Department of National Defense
FME World Tour 2015
Session Type

Presentation Details

The Department of National Defence (DND) is developing a central repository for land, building, and infrastructure data. This a joint project between the Assistant Deputy Minister Infrastructure and Environment (ADMIE) and the Mapping and Charting Establishment (MCE). This project involves managing DND real property and other spatial data provided by DND bases and wings across Canada through a unique, integrated and standardized Real Property Spatial Data Warehouse (RPSDW), hosted at MCE, containing a SQL Server database. Data provided by DND bases and wings must meet standards defined and documented by ADMIE, in terms of data formats accepted (GeoMedia MDB, ArcGIS FGDB, MapInfo MIF or AutoCAD SDF), geometry, schema and attribute data types, domains and accepted values for each feature class. An FME workspace and an equivalent tool contained within an ArcGIS Data Interoperability Toolbox were created to provide the geotechs from DND Bases using ArcGIS Data Interoperability or FME Desktop with a toolset, delivered together with a user’s guide, that allows them to perform a self-validation of the DND real property and other spatial data before these data is sent to MCE to be loaded into the RPSDW SQL Server database.